Our Eco-Friendly Approach for a Sustainable Future
At Achaté, we strive for a sustainable future and have fully integrated our corporate vision with environmentally friendly measures. In this blog post we would like to share with you how we promote sustainability at Achaté and what steps we take to have a positive impact on the environment. Let's build a green future together!
Integration of Sustainability in the Corporate Vision:
At Achaté, sustainability is a core value in our corporate vision. We are constantly finding ways to responsibly handle our old products and returns, rather than simply throwing them away. In addition, we have focused on reducing the use of plastic packaging and have made the switch to cardboard packaging.
Environmentally Friendly Measures:
To guarantee an environmentally friendly approach, we have taken several measures at Achaté. We have revised our packaging policy and are striving to reduce plastic packaging and use mostly cardboard instead. This contributes to reducing the plastic waste stream and promotes the use of more sustainable materials.
In addition, we work with suppliers and partners to promote sustainability. An example of this is combining shipments, so that less transport is needed and therefore less CO2 emissions. We aim to operate our delivery services entirely with electric vehicles in the future, providing a greener and more sustainable transport solution.
Long-Term Vision for Sustainability:
Our long-term vision at Achaté is to package all our products in cardboard packaging without plastic. We not only want to reduce our own impact on the environment, but also have a positive influence on the choices of our customers. By offering eco-friendly options, we hope to create awareness and inspire others to make sustainable choices.
Online Manuals and CO2 Compensation:
At Achaté we go one step further to ensure our environmentally friendly operation. Instead of including printed manuals with our products, we offer online manuals through our website. As a result, we save considerably on paper consumption and we contribute to the preservation of forests.
In addition, we are proud to share that we have already planted 133 trees as part of our efforts to offset the carbon emissions from our ocean freight.
At Achaté, we go beyond just selling products. We are committed to environmentally friendly operations and strive to build a sustainable future. By reducing plastic packaging, working with suppliers and partners, and integrating sustainability into our corporate vision, we aim to set an example in the industry.
We are proud to say that we have already made great strides in our pursuit of environmental friendliness. The use of online manuals has resulted in significant paper savings, and the planting of 133 trees has helped offset the carbon emissions from our ocean freight. We are determined to continue this positive trend and to continue to strive for an even more sustainable way of working.
But we don't just want to reduce our impact. We also want to inspire others to make conscious and sustainable choices. By involving our customers in our eco-friendly commitment, we hope to create a broader movement and together have a positive impact on the environment.
At Achaté we believe in the power of change. Together we can create a greener future where sustainability is the norm. We invite you to be part of this journey. Choose environmentally friendly products, reduce waste and contribute to a healthier planet.
Let's build a sustainable future together, in which nature and our prosperity go hand in hand. At Achaté we are committed to a better world. Are you joining us?